Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Pilot Workshop on Repetition equals Difference


A pilot workshop was arranged for 3rd April and 6 students attended (4 children and 2 adults).  The aim of the pilot study was to assess the practicalities of delivering the workshop as well as assessing the criteria of aims and objectives.  The group consisted of children aged from 10 – 15 years old plus two adults (one artist and one non-artist).  The workshop took place in my home which restricted the number of participants due to amount of space.
A  PowerPoint Presentation comprising of 14 slides was shown to the students.  This showed examples of repetition by  a variety of artists working in different media.  In addition examples were shown of how repetition can be seen in other areas of design and within nature.   The PowerPoint Presentation was received well and the visuals stimulating generating lots of questions and discussion.
Abigail and Ann monoprinting
The workshop was very successful in its aims and objectives.  The students were made aware of how repetition is all around us, of how it is part of life and can be perceived in a multiple of forms.  The use of different media to explore this area of investigation provided variety and maintained the interest of the students.  It is one of the simplest methods to use in considering repetition equals difference as focus was on the drawn line.  As the workshop progressed other ideas of repetition were introduced by the students thus extending the enquiry. This provided an opportunity to produce 7 images of the same object using different media and applications.

In this workshop one approach has been used to explore this particular area of study.  Further workshops could be devised using different forms of repetition i.e. object, shape, colour, motif to investigate the applications in art, media, nature, industry, commerce etc. 
This is the second time that these four children have 'helped' me.  A big thankyou to you all.  I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.  Congratulations on producing some fantastic work.  Thanks too to Ann for stepping in at the breach.

Some examples of work produced by students is shown below.

Lion monoprint drawn from memory by Abgail

Japanese lady brush and ink by Andrew Age 10
Ink blot original drawing of bracelet links by Jane
What a lovely surprise - two ladies!!

Fish Monoprint negative and positive by Ann

Birds using mixed media by Evie Age 12

Bird using ink and brush by Ruby Age 14

Lion on tracing paper laid over terracotta tiled floor by Abigail

Bracelet ink and brush by Jane

Chinese vase by Andrew age 10


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