Saturday, 16 March 2013

Preparing to make a PAINTING!

As college was in state of flux on Thursday AGAIN.  After ascertaining situation focussed on some sketches.  Taking cropped images from my large ink painting of bracelet which I did in the studio using ink on paper.  When finished I photographed, happy result in that a beautiful strip of light was falling onto the work from the window.  This added a different dimension, echoing repetition equals difference and I took full advantage and captured on camera.
Below are some of the cropped images which I have been working on.  At present including three bracelet links to represent myself and my two brothers and using the dark and light to reference the time and circumstances in which we were born. 
I have now decided to use a large square, ready primed canvas to work one of the sketches up to a painting in oil. The sketches are simple showing dark and light, shape and position.

These are all worked in ink so it is going to be interesting to see what happens when using oils.  I am already projecting ahead and wondering if I can make the oil thin and yet dense enough in colour to run down the surface of the canvas.  I will also try ink on a smaller canvasto see what happens.

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