Managed a few hours last week and a good part of yesterday messing about with oil monotypes on rice paper. I need to familarize myself again and learn more of how the media works with different additives, i.e. oil and turps. Working direct on the plate with oil and pushing it around still remains very much hit and miss in respect of the quality of image. However, the process always wins the day and results are unexpected which makes it exciting. I love the unpredictability.
Lifted first print above and then wiped ink away and then worked back in. I am pleased with the result and would suggest that it represents an abstracted pot of flowers. Use of turps created good and varying shapes. A good range of textures and contrast.
Smaller works experimenting with different approaches to making variation of textures.

Vigorous, very free mark making produced in a very short time.
Trying to hard, rather controlled. This was my first attempt from last week. Too much going on!
This last image created solely by residue oil marks that remained whilst in the process of cleaning plate. A small work which is a wonderful example of the unexpected outcomes when working with this process.
Worked over this with oil after print lifted. This image is rather decorative and shapes reflect Tree of Life image which was a Monoprint Etching. Repetition, variety of texture and tone are represented. This is the most 'finished' work I have produced as yet.