Saturday, 21 December 2013

Creative Project - more images

A few more images from the project.  Some drawn with right hand, some with left hand, each one is quite different, the subject remains the same, but the results and mark making continue to vary with each drawing.  All are created within a prescribed number of parameters. i.e. white cartridge paper 130gsm A3. Carbon pencil 6b.  Line only and within a designated time limit which reduces/increases week by week from 45 minutes down to 1 minute. 

(I must get rid of that irritating yellow date text on each image.  Need to look in the cameral manual to find out how to do it.  I am such a dinosaur when it comes to modern technology). Result, with help from my son Matt is has been done.  Application is date stamp.

Each image has a data sheet which is written up directly after drawing is completed. This has proved to be very time consuming and often very challenging to complete.  Below is a sample of the text that has been written for Image 2.

Date and time of day: 20th November 2013 11.35 - 11.40 a.m.

Subject:  Life size self portrait

Medium:  Carbon pencil 6b

Drawn with right hand/left hand. Line only on white cartridge paper 130gsm. Light from right, seated, looking direct into mirror.

Emotional state of mind:  Bright and positive, light has improved.

Thoughts:  Another creative project drawing session is completed.  Coffee time and then a few hours tackling dissertation.  Time management good today and there have been no unexpected/interruptions.  Aware that I have continuous neck strain.

Critique and Evaluation:  Predominantly continuous line in minimum of sections.  Started with guideline marks, quick glances at reflection and drawing quite rapidly. There is a soft texture on all line, which indicates less pressure.  I like the overall shape and once again I have made the recurrent decision of drawing hair and eye! It is compulsory.
It is 'leafy', organic type of depiction, that's me identifying certain shapes with leaves, cracks and crevices in rocks, etc.

      Image 2




Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Creative Project

Below are a selection of 1 minute drawings taken from Week 5 of the project.  There are 14 drawings in all.  I have a stronger connection to these as I feel the marks mean more, there is less dilution and more space
However, my photography is poor, hence the images are not so good.  I need to get to know my camera better and book in for a photographic tutorial.

Creative Project

Yes, I am continuing with the daily self portrait drawings.  It is sometimes exciting, sometimes arduous, sometimes disappointing and sometimes enlightening.  The ego appears to be taking over within the daily data sheets and I am forever questioning myself as to motives, reasons, associations with line and mood.  How I am thinking, feeling has a major impact on my drawing and the first drawing with the right hand has a major influence on the second drawing with the left hand.  The second drawing cannot exist in its form without first completing the first.
It has to be mentioned -   Christmas is great when its kept simple, time to enjoy family and friends, but it never quite turns out like that. Actually, I think I should be kind to myself as I do pretty well, nothing like self congratulation!  What I mean, is that I am thoughtful, not too indulgent in my gift buying and endeavour to keep everything in within a conscious boundary by avoiding too much commercial indulgence, which I despise.  I have rescued a bare Christmas tree from a friends garden and all my decorations will be made of natural or found materials - this is what I really enjoy doing.  I am getting away from the point as CHRISTMAS with a BIG C takes a lot of time and there is not much room for anything else - hence the drawing project has hit an all time low. I am persevering, but the creativity is not flowing very well, it has been a struggle.  Having completed the initial exploratory investigation I find myself in the situation of  'needing' to continue - I want to see what happens and there is apprehension in that stopping would cause regret - it has become somewhat obsessive.

 Drawn with right hand 17th December. 

This is what happened last night.  Drawn with left hand I completed the drawing and then scribbled over it.  The connection I made was negative and I wanted to hide it from sight. It was a particularly difficult drawing session due to time of day, mood and preoccupation with other thoughts. My initial plan to ACT is proving very difficult to implement on a regular basis.